Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Oops …….Those Office Days

Cut back….March 1st week… ……..I was overjoyed once I heard that I had been selected for the MBA program at Great lakes, Chennai.The recollections of my school days started weaving the web of nostalgia and the air of euphoria through my head. The prospects of relishing those golden days once again –Probably for one last time in this life .No tension .Nothing. I was just giving shape to my dreams. My dreams of enjoying that one elusive year in which I will do all that I liked and had done in college and all that I had not done and wanted to do.
Cut back …..June 7, 2008……….One and a half month in the college, I realized many a dreams of mine. I enjoyed every day as if there was no tomorrow. Going to movies ,watching the movies at home, going to beaches ,roaming around different places, starting the long discussions and debates about every other thing including that single most discussed topic among guys…..girls. Unfortunately I ignored an important component of school life. Those days of study in school.

Circa…..June 10, 2008….Realization dawns over me that the knowledge or lack of knowledge of Psychology did me in. We look for the positives from our past and ignore the negatives from the past to construe a very rosy picture full of gladden and bereft of sorrow.Oh, I really miss those office days when I used to enjoy the comfort of office, the days when I used to work and need not care about the results. The days of examination have made a comeback with a bang and without that saviour , preparation leave ,that was the only time when one used to study for the exams.Oops, I miss those office days - The days of comfort and no exams.

Opinion Makers and Decision Enablers

Opinions showcase me to the world for they mirror my personality. It is the culmination of the thought process based on certain information, assumption and beliefs. It is these opinions when taken in totality and practice decide my destiny. A perfect opinion based on right facts, right assumptions and unbiased approach is what distinguishes a winner from a loser. It is the opinions that decide the future of an entity and you base your opinion on the opinions of some people who are the subject masters. Who are these people? It is these people who are known as opinion makers or decision enablers. It is solely this reason that makes these opinion makers so important to the growth and progress of an entity, a nation. And it is solely for this reason that I am surprised and dismayed at the role of so called Opinion makers in the current Nuclear Deal Imbroglio.
A battle which had to be fought between the intelligentsia of our Nation was fought between 543 Lawmakers (rather say lawbreakers) most of whom didn’t have an iota of an idea about the nuclear deal. A battle which had to be fought among the clerisy for the welfare of the nation was fought for the personal ambitions, personal egos and Personal space in the electoral arena.A discussion that ought to focus on Nuclear Deal focused on the everything except nuclear Deal. Who is to be blamed for the current mess? What happens when an lawmaker opposes a deal because he cannot understand the deal (It is a different matter that the lawmaker is out of jail just to exercise his right to vote in the Indian parliament ).What happens when a lawmaker decides to abide by the decision of elders in his party ? It is a different matter that the law maker doesn’t have any idea about the deal and is more interested in his second innings in Indian Cinema. What happens when a lawmaker says that she doesn’t have any idea about nuclear deal but will whole heartedly support the deal?(It is a different matter that the lawmaker is the youngest lawmaker in parliament and is our future hope).What happens when a Lawmaker (PM in waiting) says that our first PM was against the NPT? It is a different matter that the concept of NPT came in 1970 and the premier PM had died in 1964.What happens when the lawmakers from a particular party strongly disagree with another lawmaker and make him revert from using some objectionable words? It is a different matter that the opposition rather than to the policy is to the suffix ‘wati’ that is also a postfix to their Party president’s name.
In spite of all this, all the lawmakers will get away with it .No one will be penalized for the fact that they wasted the taxpayers money. Nobody will be penalized because they didn’t discuss the issue. No lawmaker or political party will be penalized for taking wrong sides because the public in general still doesn’t know what the deal means and how is it going to effect every strata of society. It is the media that is shirking its responsibility as a medium of knowledge. It is more interested in letting us know who scored some brownie points over its opponent. Rather than getting us the information on the topics like nuclear deal, it will show us what happened in Kyunki Saas Bhi kabhi Bahu thi.Rather than getting us a discussion between the intelligentsia, it is more keen in showing us a boy being dug out from the well. It is more keen in playing with the emotion of the masses and capitalize on that rather than empowering us with the weapon of knowledge and then capitalize on its good work. It is the clerisy that has to be blamed for they robbed us of a chance to know who is working for our welfare, for the welfare of our nation rather than the welfare of an individual or welfare of a particular political party. What amazes me more is that our former President (subject Guru) who is popularly known as People’s President doesn’t take a determined and vocal stand.
If India has to progress, it is these people who need to come out of the closet and give us a piece of their mind and educate us and arm us with the information so that we can give power to their thoughts with that single important weapon in our armory known an Right to vote .

The Game of 64 squares

The game of 64 squares is a game of skill, a game of strategy, a game of thoughts, and a game of give and take. It is a game where skill and honesty is a virtue. It is game that is played by certain rules-rules that are common to all the participants where all the participating players start on a level playing ground. It is a game where there are no outside factors to be factored in. It is a game of defence and attack.
The game of 64 squares was at full display in the current trust vote and was played to near total perfection by all the relevant players. Every participating player had something at stake . Everyone had something to gain and something to lose. The only rule that was followed in the game was that I play the game to my own rules. Everyone played the game by its own rules –rules that suit its own agenda ,where some outside factors needed to be factored in ,where honesty was vice rather than a virtue, where along with mind power ,money power and muscle power were at display in full strength.
It is a game of give and take. Congress, which had the support of Left parties for four years, gave up the support and took the support of Samajwadi party. It is a game of defence and attack. The BJP attacked the nuclear Deal and defended its opposition albeit without giving any concrete reason for opposing the deal. Samajwadi Party’s thinking process suddenly turned pro deal once they could sense the alliance with the Congress and a chance of defeating the BSP.The BSP suddenly became vociferous against the deal and the deal became anti –Muslim for it once it saw the Congress-SP alliance coming in the picture. The Left continued to oppose the deal because it shows India forming a strategic relationship with US while Left wants India to toe China Line.
There were some other smaller parties who used this opportunity to take sides so that they can get some support for next elections. Some independents also took sides so that they can also get their pie in this power game. Money and Muscle power were at show with the everyday trading of the lawmakers. The game of 64 squares has been played with some clear winners and some clear losers. It is the follow up strategy of this game that will decide who are the eventual winners of this game. Time will be the best fortune teller.So let us keep our fingers crossed and wait for the events to unfold at their own pace in the next six months.

An Inspired Blog

Inspirations, they say, come from some usual and some unusual events. Blogging is something that I had thought for a long time but then my habit of procrastination made that go further than every intended date. What finally inspired me to go for it was another blog from a friend of mine who was reeling under the effect of examination result. Not that my result was any different than his though a bit better due to proper utilization of resources and team work (in short copying), but the effect is totally different which probably can be explained only by the Psychology of two underlying individuals.
As I was going through his blog, I just remembered something that we have written and talked a lot about in our hey days .Mass can neither be created nor be destroyed but only converted from one form to another .If it is so then what will be a parallel for the same hypothesis in the field of knowledge. Probably in the same time period with the same amount of input, you can’t have more knowledge than others but varied knowledge. So, I think my friend is in a better position to do better in the other subjects. The next test, which is a stats test, comes tomorrow. And my dear friend, who wrote a blog and had started studying, has already been sleeping for the past two hours. After the statistics exam, I feel my friend is going to show us his knowledge of statistics and show us in terms of statistics like mean, median and deviation where exactly he stands in the class so that we have the empirical evidence to check where exactly he stands in the class.
I hope to keep a date with blogging next week with one of the subjects closest to my heart – Reservations .Just thought will market my self a bit since this Monday we start with a new subject that goes by the name of marketing management. By then me and my friend would have had our date with term examinations and some more Chinese classes.
In the battle of two, one always overpowers the other. Similarly, I n the battle between me and procrastination, the latter has once again overpowered me. I had thought of this blog as of 30th May and I think this blog will in all probability see the light of day only on 30 the July. I and my friend have already appeared for most of the exams of another term and I don’t think the results or means used were any different. It is Indian Railways which has finally provided me with an opportunity to join the world of Bloggers and proclaim with pride ‘I Blog and I am here - ’. Though my friend has taken the lead but I intend to catch him soon with the perfect platform being provided by Indian Railways.